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You get to define good. Only you.
1:1 Life Coach for moms with beyond stressful lives.

Jodi Schilling, M.S. Ed, LCS-certified life coach
Do You...
Blame yourself for your family's problems?
Exhaust yourself trying to keep everyone happy?
Feel guilty for taking time for your own needs?
I realized how much fun I was missing by constantly trying to be everything to everyone and decided, I'm done.
You can hop off the people-pleasing train, too. Deep down, you know it is going nowhere. I'll be your guide to a whole new world.

I'm Jodi
I coach women who want to come back to who they are, and end their approval addiction. Hustling for our self-worth is a losing game! It's often a trauma response, and learning about this core wound is step one to feeling safe about being 100% you.
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